all postcodes in CB9 / HAVERHILL

find any address or company within the CB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB9 7AA 26 15 52.071085 0.436289
CB9 7AB 15 1 52.060566 0.427298
CB9 7AD 16 0 52.054935 0.421274
CB9 7AF 20 0 52.053076 0.414129
CB9 7AG 5 0 52.050625 0.409971
CB9 7AH 4 0 52.048708 0.408745
CB9 7AJ 9 0 52.048279 0.407307
CB9 7AL 12 1 52.047187 0.406592
CB9 7AN 4 1 52.040758 0.415346
CB9 7AP 5 0 52.045989 0.39171
CB9 7AQ 15 0 52.049368 0.409436
CB9 7AS 15 0 52.050116 0.404984
CB9 7GR 1 0 52.057212 0.400537
CB9 7AT 8 0 52.056991 0.399898
CB9 7AU 6 2 52.05718 0.397662
CB9 7AW 32 0 52.047854 0.402121
CB9 7AZ 11 0 52.075924 0.451234
CB9 7RN 15 0 52.091656 0.424547
CB9 7BJ 6 0 52.067983 0.442598
CB9 7BL 7 0 52.052326 0.44612